Credits and Acknowledgements
Primary references used in the above compilation have been personal knowledge; my own collection; Sam Moskowitz' error-ridden biographical sketch of EES; the excellent concordance, "THE UNIVERSES OF E.E. SMITH" by Ron Ellik and E.E. Evans; Robert A. Heinlein's appreciative article "Larger Than Life," in "EXPANDED UNIVERSE;" sections of Lloyd Arthur Eshbach's publishing history, "OVER MY SHOULDER;" and fifteen years of insegrevious input from Jamie Hanrahan, (, constructor of the first non-Arisian Lens, who also declines any and all responsibility for anything pertaining to Japanese anime versions of "LENSMAN" novels. Regards and appreciation to the EES fans named in the article above; - to Jeff Cohen, jeffc(at), who spotted the *real* maximum number of Worsellian optical sensors; - to James A. Corrick, who graciously provided accurate detail info concerning the Ellern stories, and the 1968 "Blaster" paperbacks; - to Carrington Dixon (at), who graciously pointed out my misattribution of the "GRAY LENSMAN" cover art; - to Bill Higgins--Beam Jockey, HIGGINS(at)FNAL.FNAL.GOV, and inventor of the Amazing Radioactive Fan, who has been identified by "WEEKLY WORLD NEWS" investigators as a disguised Plooran; - to Michael F. Hodous, mhodous(at), who caught me in a bletcherously pfzticated set of name errors in an earlier version of this FAQ; and - to Paul O'Connor, paul(at) / paul(at), for his detailed comments concerning What Happened With The Comics. - to Michael Richards, richards(at) - to M.Q. Smith, c/o tlsmith(at), who provided us with the wonderful snapshot portrait of David A. Kyle at WorldCon '96. - to Alan Young, ayoung(at), who spotted the most concrete dating information for "VORTEX BLASTER" reported to date. Respectful homage to David A. Kyle, who, with great patience and courtesy, politely suffered a number of inquisitional grillings at WorldCon, 1993. The contributions of the All-Highest of Eddore are respectfully acknowledged. Above text (c) 1991-1998; all rights reserved. Photos (c) as noted; all rights reserved. Click on the Bubbling Brain In A Bottle to return to the Lensman Base Page, or just click on your "Back" button if your browser is equipped with one. <**************************>